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Chair side cases are by appointment only
Welcome to Unique Denture
We provide an accurate denture service with precision and high quality materials for the perfect fit to cover individual needs in dental patients. We also provide the dentist the support they need in complicated implant cases for the success of the case and complete patient satisfaction.
Our Services
Dental Implants
Unique Denture Has The Best
• Access to the highest quality material for the best in aesthetic.
• Full service chair side support for overdentures and hybrid dentures.
• Excellent knowledge of all dental implants in the market.
Click here to book an appointment for a denture convertion!
Our Dentures
Full Denture
Vitallium Frame Pink Opaque
Hybrid Denture
We are a Removable Dental Laboratory that Specializes in Hybrids and Implants
We work with all kinds of implants in the dental market to help you get exactly what you need.
High Quality
High Aesthetic
Minimal Adjustment
Unique Denture Cares
We are a small business, we are in direct communication with our doctors during business hours where they can contact us to solve chair side problems if needed. At Unique Dentures we are always improving our materials and techniques to solve different situations. For patients that have allergic reactions to traditional materials, different alternatives to traditional processing cases, chair side assistance if needed, in office conversion and different removable procedures.
Frequently Asked Questions
Satisfy patient, satisfy doctors
I don't have any retention
We will address if it is a problem with the impressions or with the design of the case.
What does the doctor need?
We provide the doctor information specific about dental implant companies, brand and trainings to complete successfully cases for the patient
What's the best option for me?
The doctor will determine what option is best for the patient by evaluating the cost effective precautions and long term durability.
Why would I need a chair side case?
To provide rapid and direct response for the case and also the opportunity to respond immediately during the patients visit.
Book An Appointment
For a Denture Convertion Service